LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game

- Developer: Travellers Tales (UK) Ltd.
- Genre: Adventure
- Originally on: Windows (2005)
- Works on: PC, Windows
- User Rating: 7.7/10 - 6 votes
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Game Overview
A Month or so ago, on an evening much like this, five ageing, cynical and bitter members of the games industry were discussing the current gaming scene. Rubbish," said one. Bollocks." said another. Not like in my day, added a predictable third. After a collective sigh, I, a mere pup in their presence, piped up. Has anyone seen Lego Star Wars yet?" Fists slammed on tables, beer splashed on sleeves and murmurs of joy were heard throughout the pub. The message was clear. Yes. Yes, we have seen Lego Star Wars. And don't you know that it's quite, quite brilliant?
Star Wars games are patchy, and Lego games are even patchier, yet somehow the two (combined with some adorable animation and some impressive saber-twirling) have created something that's making grown men melt.
Essentially a topdown-cum-3D arcade break 'em up, Lego Star Wars has one or two players leaping in and out of the action from the first three movies - leaping, dodging and performing simple combos on legions of adorable little battle droids and cutesey-pie Dark Lords.
You start off controlling either Anakin or Qui-Gon Jin aboard the Trade Federation ship at the start of The Phantom Menace, and then unlock four further characters as you play through the movies. Force usage is impressively translated as the ability to take a pile of casually strewn Lego bricks and construct them into bridges and handy Star Wars-related items. What's more, there are also set to be levels devoted to hurling pod-racers, speeders and Naboo fighters around playsets from our favourite galaxy far, far away.
You may remain sceptical until you actually see the game in motion - that much I know. But as soon as you see the way that droids shatter into their component bricks and the way that starships break into suitable Lego chunks, you'll be sold in a matter of par-secs.
Due for a release just before we're inevitably disappointed and/or inevitably overjoyed with Revenge Of The Sith, one thing you can certainly bank on is the fact that the dinky painted-on expressions will make you fall in love with Star Wars all over again. That and the fact that the Lego-Padme and Lego-Anakin love scenes may actually be bearable this time.
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is a 3D action-adventure based on the film "Star Wars", where the player will save the universe from the invasion of evil forces led by the ancient Sith.
Feel the power of the Jedi:
- Masterfully wield the lightsaber
- Skillfully leap from platform to platform
- Meditate for self-improvement
- Fight with their hands and feet
- Possess telepathy
- Don't let anger and bias take over their minds
Liberate territories taken over by the Empire. Player objectives: collect in-game money, eliminate enemy stormtroopers, release hostages, activate the right levers, connect the necessary wires. You can play as familiar characters from the original saga: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Master Yoda.
You cannot start a new episode without completing the next one. The chronology must be maintained for a logical and exciting plot.
The player will enjoy the humor-the-writers parody moments from the movie. Think about it: square yellow men acting out a drama. The visuals don't look as powerful as in Star Wars The Force Unleashed, but rather ridiculous.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a funny, high-quality impersonation on the cinematic universe in the form of an interactive game.
It touches on nostalgic feelings and tries to remind the story that is beloved by all the children of the world.
System Requirements
Processor: PC compatible,
OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000
Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
Game Features:Single game mode