X Men Origins Wolverine Download - Games4Win

X Men Origins Wolverine

  • Developer: Raven Software
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Windows (2009)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
  • Rate this game:

Game Overview

X Men Origins Wolverine is a three-dimensional hack-and-slash and action-adventure film where a mad and pumped-up man with huge claws that come out of his fists will seek justice - to find the killer of his beloved wife.


The game tells the original story of Wolverine, which has long been described in Marvel Comics. Logan (the character's real name) is an illegitimate child who was born in 1882. The baby's health was severely lame, his body reacting poorly to the bloom and preventing Logan from living a normal life. Fate did not treat the poor boy fairly - the mother moved from one mental institution to another. The mother's father abused the boy; he believed that such an upbringing would make Logan a true Spartan and a strong man.

Wolverine's parents suffered a terrible fate. John (the father) manifested seizures, during which he transformed into a powerful being - he died. His mother shot herself with fear upon seeing her father in this state.


At the beginning of the game, there is a tutorial where the basic laws of combat are shown. The movements the player uses are very varied. There is no confusion in the controls - they are simple. The character gradually gains a streak of energy, after which Wolverine rages:

  • Physical strength increases
  • Aggression and courage are maxed out
  • Dexterity rises to the sky

After a short time the spectacle ends, and the player returns to a stable state. During critical situations, Wolverine's "instinct" kicks in - the screen turns red and illuminates opponents. The goal of the player in each level is simple - to move to a certain point and survive. Wolverine collects experience points to improve combat skills later - this is done at any point in the menu, even during a pause.


X Men Origins Wolverine is a game released simultaneously with the movie of the same name and repeats its plot. Dynamic gameplay, grim atmosphere and charismatic protagonist - everything you need for a quality comic book game. We recommend it to the fans of God Of War and Rogue Warrior.

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible,

OS: Win9xWindows 9x, Windows 2000 WinXPWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game Features:X Men Origins Wolverine supports single modeSingle game mode X Men Origins Wolverine supports multiplayer modeMultiplayer (Hotseat, LAN, Internet)

X Men Origins Wolverine Screenshots

Windows Screenshots

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