Dimension of Monster Girls Download - Games4Win

Dimension of Monster Girls

  • Developer: RhinoGearz
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Windows (2018)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
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Game Overview

Dimension of Monster Girls is an erotic anime visual novel where a young man goes to heaven and there spins an affair with extraterrestrial cute creatures.

As a child

The game's protagonist is Morgan. The young boy is at a social low point. While Morgan did poorly in school. Skipped math and physics. Instead, the child sat at home and watched cartoons. He was afraid to go outside - they'd punch him in the face. Morgan cried a lot. Stress tolerance was zero. Desire to develop, too.

Grown up now

Now he's grown up and lives alone. He hates his own life. His job is very low paying, only enough for cheap food and a small apartment. The man is constantly plagued by depression and the feeling that life is flying into darkness. It's hard to get out of the psychological swamp.

Bad Event

Morgan wants to do something useful with his life and decides to visit his parents, but they live very far away and will have to go by sea. Buying tickets was very difficult for the man, he put it off for a long time, but now the papers with stamps are in his pocket.

The mood that day was good:

  • The sun was shining
  • The ship was swaying on the waves
  • Seagulls flew over the water

But the grace was interrupted by a crackling sound that pressed hard on the ears. The ship began to break and tumble over on its side. All the passengers ran to the lifeboats. Morgan did not make it--he began to sink with the seagoing vessel. The man began to lose consciousness after gulping in the water.


And he found himself on a fairytale land. There waiting for him were three beauties of an unusual race, they want children because there are no men in their settlement. The player will have to look at the hentai images and choose from the available choices. He will spend one day with each of the beauties and then with the three to choose for whom he will make a baby. Dilemma:

  • Beatrice. A beauty with green eyes, a snake's wet tongue, and a tail instead of legs. Brutal and harsh, but sexy.
  • Rayna. Squid woman with blue hair, big breasts, and a cute face. A vicious possessive woman.
  • Iris. Modest little cutie who looks human. Loves initiative from the main character.

Dimension of Monster Girls is a sexy Japanese story about a boy who chooses a beautiful woman. Fans of Dating My Daughter and A Town Uncovered will love it.

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible,

OS: Win9xWindows 9x, Windows 2000 WinXPWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game Features:Dimension of Monster Girls supports single modeSingle game mode Dimension of Monster Girls supports multiplayer modeMultiplayer (Hotseat, LAN, Internet)

Dimension of Monster Girls Screenshots

Windows Screenshots

Dimension of Monster Girls 1
Dimension of Monster Girls 2
Dimension of Monster Girls 3
Dimension of Monster Girls 4
Dimension of Monster Girls 5
Dimension of Monster Girls 6
Dimension of Monster Girls 7
Dimension of Monster Girls 8
Dimension of Monster Girls 9
Dimension of Monster Girls 10
Dimension of Monster Girls 11
Dimension of Monster Girls 12

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