God of War 4 Download - Games4Win

God of War 4

  • Developer: SIE Santa Monica Studio
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Windows (2018)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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Game Overview

Kratos, who took revenge on all the Gods of Olympus for his family, has once again decided to get married in the action-adventure film God of War 4. Fulfill the promise you made to Kratos' second wife and scatter her ashes on the highest point of the nine worlds.

Family Secrets

Many years have passed since the crisis of Olympus. Kratos gave all mortals hope and left the hated lands, moving to the Scandinavian lands. There he finds new love in the person of a mortal warrior - Faye. In the union of the god and the mortal is born Atreus, a demigod who is unaware of his identity. Kratos left after the birth of his son because he did not want to reveal his divinity and Olympic past. However, Faye dies and asks Kratos to take care of her son and scatter her ashes over the nine worlds.

On the Bridge to Truth

Kratos and Arteus set out on their journey. The journey leads the heroes to Birvöst or Rainbow Bridge. The bridge allows father and son to travel between the nine worlds. Where will their journey take them, and did Faye know how it would turn out in the end? Find out as you travel with your little family through the larger worlds of the World Tree.

Old and New in the Arsenal

Kratos has abandoned his usual weapons and is now wielding Faye's axe, Leviathan. Leviathan was created by smiths Sindri and Brock, who forged Mjolnir for Thor. Leviathan can absorb several elements and release them. Like Mjolnir, it always returns to its master's hands if thrown. The Axe can freeze enemies and various objects that obstruct the hero's path. However, in the course of his travels Kratos is forced to use two weapons:

  • Chaos Blades, the paired blades that Kratos used in the first parts of the games. Blades can be improved with runes, like Leviathan's axe.
  • Leviathan - Fay's axe, forged by Cindri and Brock because of guilt over Thor's hammer, which the God of Thunder used for mass destruction. The axe can be improved at smiths by inserting runes into it and changing the handle

Giants are here too

The God of War series has always been known for beautiful landscapes, interesting history, and giant-sized enemies. God of War 4 doesn't force Kratos to confront all the gods of Scandinavia, but it does showcase a host of huge creatures and amazing landscapes of the North. One world of giants can supply hordes of huge aggressive enemies, which you will have to defeat clearly not in fair combat.


Worlds and characters from Scandinavian myths and legends come alive on your screens. Find the highest point of the worlds for your wife and fight huge monsters for your son. Enjoy the scenery and harmless majestic inhabitants of all World Tree locations and fight like a true God of War in the action-adventure game - God of War 4.

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible,

OS: Win9xWindows 9x, Windows 2000 WinXPWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game Features:God of War 4 supports single modeSingle game mode God of War 4 supports multiplayer modeMultiplayer (Hotseat, LAN, Internet)

God of War 4 Screenshots

Windows Screenshots

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