Midnight Resistance

- Developer: Data East Corporation
- Genre: Shooter
- Originally on: Sega Genesis (1991)
- Works on: PC, Windows
- User Rating: 6.0/10 - 3 votes
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Game Overview
When a family is threatened with retribution by the Crimson Monster, it's time to take fate into your own hands and swim against the current, taking with you to hell all the monsters that meet on the way, that's what awaits the entrant in the world of the Midnight Resistance arcade.
Lead and Family Honor.
In the arcade version, a monster by the lofty name of King Crimson has kidnapped the family of two nameless brothers. Through tons of lead stockpiles, sweat, blood, and pain, the brothers embark on a journey to salvation.
The King Kidnaps.
The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive console version, however, developed its own story. In it, Johnny Ford, a member of the drug squad and the game's protagonist, returns to his hometown. However, the return cannot be called pleasant. A certain King Crimson broke into the hero's house, stealing his family and, in particular, his scientist father. Developing Ford's father would have helped all addicts get cured. Looks like Johnny Ford is back in business now.
You gotta know how to shoot too ##
Run and shoot - that's the main motto of the game. You kill monsters and collect keys, a monster hits you and the keys fall out. A similar system was in the Sonic The Hedgehog series, only with the rings. The choice of weapons and tricks is not great, but for the arcade is forgivable:
- You can buy special guns in the store, which replace the player's rifle;
- Panzer Weapons. Your own fighter, fly across the platforms and shoot.
- The bonus to shooting will be a supercharge. It increases the damage of the current weapon, but lasts a limited time.
- Barrier. Considered an impenetrable shield that can help overpower crowds of strong enemies.
Weapons from the store and bonuses are limited in time in use, so when the charge runs out - there is a standard and boring rifle player. Ammunition for additional weapons can be bought in the store.
## Keys are more important than weapons.
The game even has several ending options. One is the death of the hero and the other is his victory. The ending depends not on the skill of the player in the battle with the final boss, but on the number of keys they manage to collect. The keys open the cells with the members of the hero's family and the number of rescued relatives determines the ending.
System Requirements
Processor: PC compatible, P-100
OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000
Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
Game Features:Single game mode