Worms Download - Games4Win


  • Developer: Team 17
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Sega Genesis (1996)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • User Rating: 8.0/10 - 8 votes
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Game Overview

Worms is a strategic turn-based action game in the craziest universe. A deadly army of ruthless worms awaits you in the game's most unusual landscapes. You heard right. Worms are the main combat unit of the game.

If you cut a worm, it will lose health points

Several armed worms are located in unusual landscapes. Each of them differs in the color of their uniforms. The color is determined by the team the warrior worm is in. The two teams are initially placed on different sides of the playing field. But the worms can move small distances for easier execution of the maneuver.

Every step is a risk of losing your head

A turn-based strategy means that teams take turns. In one turn you can either move your unit as a worm, or attack your opponent. There is a limited amount of time per turn, which is calculated by the settings of the chosen mode.

Time Takes Lives

The game will continue until only one team remains on the field. If the match is for time, the game does not end as soon as time is up. In that case, a "Sudden Death" occurs, an event that must clear the field. This is done in ways such as:

  • The health score of all worm warriors is reduced to one. Such warriors can be killed with a single hit.
  • The field slowly sinks under the water. Too bad worms aren't sailors and can't swim.
  • A nuclear strike is coming. The worms begin to lose health, and the water level rises sharply.

The best moves, or your worst embarrassment, are played in the clip after the match. Can you become a famous worm warlord? Find out in the insane turn-based strategy game Worms.

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible, SystemP-200

OS: Win9xWindows 9x, Windows 2000 WinXPWindows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game Features:Worms supports single modeSingle game mode

Worms Screenshots

Sega Genesis Screenshots

Worms 1
Worms 2
Worms 3
Worms 4
Worms 5
Worms 6
Worms 7
Worms 8
Worms 9
Worms 10
Worms 11
Worms 12
Worms 13
Worms 14
Worms 15
Worms 16
Worms 17
Worms 18

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