My Horse & Me 2

- Developer: Tate Interactive Sp z.o.o
- Genre: Arcade/Action
- Originally on: Windows (2008)
- Works on: PC, Windows
- User Rating: 2.0/10 - 2 votes
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Game Overview
My Horse & Me 2 is a cute horseback riding simulator where an adorable girl and her brawny horse walk, ride, and overcome obstacles together in green locations.
Initial Setup
Language can be selected:
- Scandinavian (Sweden, Norway, Finland)
- German
- French
- Spanish
- English
When the player gives a name to his character and selects the difficulty, you can begin to customize the appearance:
- Skin color - mulatto woman, white, black (others available)
- Hair color - blond, blonde, brown (and other basic)
- Eye color - gray, blue, green, brown
Then the camera shows our favorite horse! Our cuddly pet... He can be changed, too. Choose from six colors of the animal. You can even make the horse completely black. The color of his mane will be changed separately. The pet can be given a nickname.
The player finds himself on his own ranch. The task is to train, feed and stroke the horse. To begin with, one must enter the stable. The girl runs through the beautiful gardens that she grew up with her own family. There are many flowers, fresh and beautiful grass, and bees flying around. Near the stable is a board with information about the horse's condition:
- Health
- Energy
- Satiety
- Love
Start by stroking the animal to get it used to it a little. Give it a pat and a hug, and say a few sweet words - animals feel and understand just as well as humans. Good treatment of pets is a pledge of loyalty and obedience. Check the hooves. Are they healthy? Good. You should wash the horse's coat and skin. A fresh smell and cleanliness mean happiness and health. Then you need to remove the old hay from the paddock so the inside of the stable smells nice and evil bacteria don't breed. Wash the floor and bring in new hay. You also need to get them drunk and fed! After a short pause to help digestion you can harness the horse. Choose the accessories of your choice! The gameplay is all about collecting stars and proper movement on the field. Jump over obstacles, speed up, walk through shallow water - your horse can do it all.
My Horse & Me 2 is the best choice for those who love animals. A kind atmosphere, nice graphics, and a beautiful pet make this game good. We recommend it to fans of The Sims 3 and Pony Friends 2.
System Requirements
Processor: PC compatible,
OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000
Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
Game Features:Single game mode
Multiplayer (Hotseat, LAN, Internet)